Welcome to the exhibition and sale of the original paintings by Tim Scott Bolton as featured in his latest book, ‘A Brush with Rivers – Reflections on Angling and Painting‘.
Tim has brought together fifty years of memoirs, largely from diaries, and the anecdotes and quotes of others, to create a fascinating and wide-ranging book, delightfully illustrated by his oils and watercolours.
In ‘A Brush with Rivers‘ – available to purchase here – Tim visits Kenya, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Ireland and Russia – but most of the waters covered are the glorious salmon rivers of Scotland and the crystal-clear chalk streams of southern England.
All original works exhibited below are offered for sale (unless marked as SOLD). For Sales and general enquiries please email: tim@timscottbolton.co.uk or call Trish on +44 (0)1747 830480.
River Severn

Afghanistan and Kashmir

River Avon

River Test

River Itchen

River Wylye

River Nadder

River Dee

River Tamar

River Usk

River Deveron

River Brora

River Helmsdale

River Halladale

River Naver

River Laxford

River Beauly

The Farrar


Delphi Ireland

Kitza Russia

Varzuga Russia